All Posts in Power Point 2019

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Here's some extended gameplay with hacked in-game-music! Somehow, the "JadeJohnson Records™" cover of "Hand-In-Hand" from "Kingdom Hearts™" is actually quite fitting, eh?


JadeOme is finally out in the wild! We hope you enjoy the world's very first, PowerPoint 3D First-Person Fighting-Game!

Thank you for sticking with "@JadeJohnsonIndustries ™", and as always, "Happy Jading!™"


↑ Bebe's Art Studio - The Video Game - Official JadeJohnson Games Gameplay Showcase Of Just Some Out Of The Total Of Twenty-Four Ways That Bebe Will React When You Begin A New Game: ↑

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You can now play the newest (at the time this post was written) demo for "Bebe's Art Studio - The Video Game: The "Item Maker Demo"!

Delve deep into the full creation-suite experience, right here, right now!

Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"


Here's all the proof you'll need that we still, in fact, did, develop the entire creation-suite for "Bebe's Art Studio - The Video Game", in PowerPoint!

And it only took us ten total workdays from start to finish!

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Do you know anyone else who's made it possible to edit sprites in PowerPoint's Slide-Show mode!? If so, please introduce us to them!

Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"


The next "Bebe's Art Studio: The Video Game"-demo is almost ready to go gold, and boy, will it be an epic one! We just need to fix a weird music-stopping bug, and then, she's all yours!

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Bebe's Art Studio - Item Creator - Official JadeJohnson Games Near End Of Week Two Of Development Gameplay Footage:

It wasn't shown in the video, but adding and selecting a paint-blob lets you alter it into anything else! Colour-blending still applies!

Bebe's Art Studio: The Video Game's creation-suite is getting a massive upgrade!


The adventure-games are coming!

The adventure-games are coming!