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Bebe's Art Studio - The Video Game - Public Alpha 2
Bebe's Art Studio - The Video Game - Public Alpha 1
Blank Item Maker Demo - Create Anything Of Any Colour You Wish, Without Needing To Remove Any Default Entities First!
Fashion Templates For The Blank Item Maker
Default Item Maker Demo
Digging Engine
Free Play Ultra Deluxe S-Engine-Demo
Free Play Ultra Deluxe Mode-Demo
Paint Play Max Experience S-Engine-Demo
Paint Play Pro Plus S-Engine Feature-Demo
Paint Play Pro S-Engine Feature-Demo
Paint Play Plus S-Engine-Demo
Paint Play S-Engine-Demo
Paint Play Max Experience Demo
Paint Play Pro Plus Feature-Demo
Paint Play Pro Feature-Demo
Paint Play Plus Mode-Demo
Paint Play Mode-Demo
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Bebe's Art Studio - Title Screen
- 2.Bebe's Art Studio - Main Menu
- 3.Bebe's Art Studio - Story Intro
- 4.Bebe's Art Studio - Map
- 5.Bebe's Art Studio - Story Mode - Bebe's Room (Ariana Grande - The Way)
- 6.Bebe's Art Studio - Story Mode - Bebe's Room (Instrumental)
- 7.[Demo] Bebe's Art Studio - Story Mode - Bebe's Room
- 8.Bebe's Art Studio - Story Mode - Digging Puzzle
- 9.Bebe's Art Studio - Story Mode - Elsa's Ice Palace
- 10.Bebe's Art Studio - Adventure Mode - Bebe City Fashion And Bebe's Fashion Show
- 11.Bebe's Art Studio - Adventure Mode - Mall - Plaza
- 12.Bebe's Art Studio - Adventure Mode - Mall - Store Interiour
- 13.Bebe's Art Studio - Adventure Mode - Mall - Creative Space1
- 14.Bebe's Art Studio - Adventure Mode - Mall - Creative Space2
- 15.Bebe's Art Studio - Adventure Mode - Mall - Creative Space3
- 16.Bebe's Art Studio - Adventure Mode - Elsa's Ice Palace
- 17.Bebe's Art Studio - Dojo Mode - India Stage - Etalify - "Step Two" - With Permission From Etalify
- 18.BAS Dojo Mode - Mall Stage - UberTuberBackPacker - Famitracker N163 - Megaman 8 - Wily Stage 2 - With Permission From UberTuberBackPacker
- 19.Bebe's Art Studio - Dojo Mode - Disco Stage - Sonic 3D Blast - Puppet Panic Zone - Official JadeJohnson Records Cover
- 20.Bebe's Art Studio - Dojo Mode - Colorado Stage
- 21.Bebe's Art Studio - Game Over - Hillary Scott And The Scott Family - Thy Will - Official JadeJohnson Audio Cover At 147 BPM pspAiV2 JadeEmatic Edition
- 22.Bebe's Art Studio - Game Over - Hillary Scott And The Scott Family - Thy Will - Official JadeJohnson Audio Cover At 147 BPM - JadeEmatic Edition
- 23.{Demo} Bebe's Art Studio - Game Over (Hillary Scott And The Scott Family - Thy Will Cover) [JadeEmatic Version]
- 24.[Demo] Bebe's Art Studio - Game Over (‘Thy Will’ - By Hillary Scott And The Scott Family - Official JadeJohnson Records Cover) [JadeElight Version]
- 25.Bebe's Art Studio - Free Play Menu
- 26.Bebe's Art Studio - Free Play
- 27.Bebe's Art Studio - Paint Play Menu
- 28.Bebe's Art Studio - Paint Play
- 29.Bebe's Art Studio Mini-Games - Precision Battle Theme - Hand-To-Face
- 30.Bebe's Art Studio - Bebe Nation Investigative Squad
- 31.Bebe's Art Studio Jingles - Mission Start
- 32.Bebe's Art Studio Jingles - Hey! I Got A Thing!
- 33.Bebe's Art Studio Jingles - Nice, I Earned A Thing!
- 34.Bebe's Art Studio Jingles - Good Day To You
- 35.Bebe's Art Studio Jingles - Go On And Try Anew
- 36.Bebe's Art Studio Jingles - Mission Clear
- 37.Bebe's Art Studio Stings - Miss
- 38.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Cheat Mode Available
- 39.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Input Mode
- 40.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Arcade Stick Push
- 41.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Arcade Stick Pull
- 42.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Arcade Stick Whack
- 43.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Arcade Stick Wallop
- 44.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Cheat Failed
- 45.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Cheat Discovered
- 46.Bebe's Art Studio - Cheat Console - Cheat0001
- 47.Bebe's Art Studio - Story Mode - Bebe's Room (Ariana Grande - The Way)
"The Evil King Patrick Riordan" has overthrown Queen Elsa of "Bebe Nation", and taken to a life of crime by destroying the once-beautiful art-studio-and-museum of "Crowned-Princess Beretta (Bebe) [Pronounced Beeby] Ricaurte [Pronounced Re-COWER-tay]"!
It'll be up to you to help Bebe and her friends rebuild her atlier to a whole new glory!
Fight Patrick Riordan and fulfill the requests of the citizens of Bebe Nation, as you travel out from and back to your base at the heart of the land's capital, Bebe City, to make, earn, and rescue paint blobs left over from the ruins of Bebe's art that have been scattered across the country!
Slowly but surely, you will be able to recreate each of Bebe's over-two-hundred beautiful artpieces, hand-crafted by the real-world-equivalent of the game's protagonist!
Five Gameplay Modes:
Story Mode:
• Venture "Into The Unknown" as you explore Bebe Nation and work to correct its past, in order to save its future!
• Encounter a colourful cast of characters who will help you along your journey!
• Shop for various goods and services that can aid you throughout your quest!
• Fight alongside your party to stop Patrick from doing anymore damage!
• Work out your anger as you beat the blood, sweat, and tears out of a tyrant with optional motion controls!
• Develop hobbies and talents in your spare time!
• Have lots of fun and get super messy in mud and slime!
• Discover the dark secret of the past!
• Earn paint blobs to help restore Bebe's artwork, piece by piece!
• Customize the colour of each paint blob you earn!
• Mix paints with a full twelve-bit-colour-palette!
• Ride in a self-driving automobile with pseudo-realistic motion and sounds!
• Find audio-Easter-eggs in trees that you drive by!
• And experience so much more!
Adventure Mode:
• Freely explore Bebe Nation, as if there were no crisis, even from the title screen!
• Discover new hobbies in different areas of the map!
• Battle Patrick in the wild, PoKéMoN-style!
• Talk to citizens to find out what they're lives are like when unthreatened!
• Engage in voice acting battles with your in-game-friends!
• Take fighting lessons at the in-game-dojo, with optional motion controls!
• Take professional singing lessons from real-life-record-label-owner JadeJohnson!
• And yet, there's still so much more!
Dojo Mode:
• Choose your protagonist and learn how to fight, with optional motion controls!
• Train as any one of eighteen fully playable fighters!
Free Play Mode:
• Set the lighting in each room of Bebe's museum!
• Combine four mixable lighting modes, each featuring eleven unique variants!
• Admire the work of real-world-artiste, Beretta Ricaurte, in its original glory!
• Choose between preserving Bebe's art's look, or showing it through Ray Tracing!
• Learning the ropes? Start with the basic, watermarked "Free Play" Mode!
• Not sure what the interface buttons do? Turn on "Plus" Mode to learn orally!
• Turn on "Pro" Mode and point to artpieces for perfectly shareable screenshots!
• Want the game to light art realistically? Turn on "Max" Mode for Ray Tracing!
• Want to combine settings? Yep, you can even play all three higher tiers at once!
Paint Play Mode:
• Mix fifteen primary colours in twenty-five-percent-increments, unlimitedly!
• Create every valid combination in a full-twelve-bit-colour-palette!
• Donate your favourite colour creations to Bebe's Art Studio to help her restock!
• Toggle voice-acting at any time without needing to restart PowerPoint!
Keep an eye out for news in the Devlog below!
#Bebe #Beretta #Bebes #Ricaurte #Art #Studio #Museum #Atlier #PowerPoint #2019 #2021 #365 #PPT #Paint #Mud #Slime #Mess #Messy #Fun #Relax #Relax #Mix #Mixing #Mixed #Mixes #Paints #Painting #Paintings #Painted #Slimed #Sliming #Slimes #Mudding #Mudded #Muds #Messier #Messiest #Sim #Simulator #Fight #Fighting #Fought #Fights #Fighter #Fighters #Mortal #Kombat #Street #Luchador #Lucha #Libre #Giga #II #The #Final #Round #De #La #Calle #Ronda #Edicion #Adrianna #Entertainment #Entretenimiento #Gallery #Showcase #Show #Case #Hobbies #Hobby #Exploration #Discover #Discovery #Discoveries #Discovered #Discovering #Discovers #Discoverer #Discoverers #Fishing #Fish #Fished #Fishes #Man #Woman #Fisher #Fishers #Fisherman #Fisherwoman #Person #Fisherperson #Persons #People #Fisherpersons #Fisherpeople #Folk #Folks #Fisherfolk #Fisherfolks #Sing #Sang #Sung #Singer #Singers #Sings #Singing #Pro #Pros #Professional #Professionals #Professionalize #Professionalizes #Professionalizing #Professionalized #Professionalization #Professionalizations #Lesson #Lessons #Teach #Teaches #Taught #Teaching #Teacher #Teacchers #Learn #Learning #Learned #Learns #Learner #Learners #Student #Students #Pupil #Pupils #SaveTheDay #Save #Day #SaveTheTown #Town #SaveTheCity #City #SaveTheCountry #Country #SaveTheNation #Nation #SaveTheWorld #World #Hero #Heroes #Heroic #Super #Superhero #Superheroes #Villain #Villains #Supervillain #SuperVillains #Villainous #Protagonist #Protagonists #Protagonize #Protagonizes #Protagonized #Protagonizing #Protagonization #Protagonizations #Protagonistic #Antagonist #Antagonists #Antagonize #Antagonizes #Antagonized #Antagonizing #Antagonization #Antagonizations #Antagonistic
#adventure #action #rpg #arcade #multiplayer #pointnclick #altgame