Bebe's Art Studio: The Video Game For X64 Windows Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) 2019+
2 years ago

Bebe's Art Studio - Item Creator - Official JadeJohnson Games Near End Of Week Two Of Development Gameplay Footage:

It wasn't shown in the video, but adding and selecting a paint-blob lets you alter it into anything else! Colour-blending still applies!

As you might be able to tell, there are still some voice-files and new sound-effects missing, but those should be fixed by the next video on the game!



Next up

Yep, JadeRaw, is REAL! And, it might be coming sooner than we all thought!

Can you guess what these fifteen transparent-slides at the end of the Bebe's Art Studio Fashion Fabricator's code will do when they're finished being developed and animated? Hint: Maximum-Fan-Service!

Wild Leak Appeared?!

Here it is, the Xbox Trailer no one expected.

Maze Maker - Official JadeJohnson Games Gameplay Showcase

Out with the old, In with the new!

How The New BradCoWaiian Dreams Will Run On A Dell Or HP Laptop From 2018 Or Earlier:

For reference, we recommend running this game on an MSI or ASUS laptop from 2022 or later, with either an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 or an AMD Ryzen 9 9950 GPU.


@ffatalityy — This gal makes the most amazing Microsoft® Paint™ Original Character-Designs we've ever been blessed to have seen! Go check out their work!

Hoping ya'll are ready to funk right now! If you want the testers key, DM me. :D

Although not yet shown here, racing-Games with proper steering-controls are coming to JadeEmatic!