Creations in Rate My Game
Espada de Sheris C.4.7 UPDATE
-Particules Explosion
-Stop camera when attacks
-Better Attack Collision
-Adrenaline Attack
Ludum Dare 55 has started and the theme is Summoning. I'm making a game for the jam and here's a very early screenshot from the game:
This video is from 2022-03-07 the time when NNFY was turning into the new and improved Nightmare Manager.
This is the prototype phase of my favourite map.
Not much update this week so here are some shots of Drego and Rico in action:
(SHOWCASE) I've developed a custom Script that can populate any map with given models from UE/PCG content in seconds, for demonstration i populated small portion of the map so you can see the possibility of my tool. Please follow me if you like what i do
Just a small modeling exercise..
(UPDATE #3) New images of my new landscape "Island" since I'm satisfied with the outcome of my landscape I will start developing roads, road signs, fences & start building it from there.
(UPDATE #2) on my landscape development for "TheZExperiment" Game, now I added more details into the scene and everything is working with newest UE Technology PCG & Nanite, hope you like the progress and I really appreciate your support Thank You!
(UPDATE #1) I'm so happy to announce that I'm starting with development of the Landscape for "TheZExperiment" Game this is early-footage, with each update I will do, I will post here to keep you notified of the game progress.