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Introducting to you "The Nihilist Cookbook".

This Book is not going to bite her, i sure it will not.

Loka's Bedroom, at least, for now.

I was thinking, I've almost finished Ranuberg (at least externally), I think I'll post the first alpha version so you can walk around in it, see how the work goes.

i have a plan...maybe i will make a brids anthropomorphic aadventure RPG,but only if I'm free...

Hey. I'm still working on Ranuberg. As soon as I finish the city itself, I will slowly fill it with quests.

Teaser drop or whatever.

Zetta telling a funny joke.

Now we have Timed Attacks back again. It's good that Timed Attacks have been used here as a cheap way to improve a battle system. Ask the Mario and Luigi Series for the reasons why it does.