Video Game Stuff in Sow_My_Stitches' Creative Hangout

Share your creations!

Decided to cheek Minecrafts blocks to see what I might chose for floor and wall
whatcha think? it's gonna be a lab so it makes sens to be every white but I don't mind going for darker colors
Edit: forgot a wall but I think that one is out of question..

had the plan to rebuilt my screen in Minecraft and did this instead....
and now I'm tired.... I wanna make a little map and the lab but idk what I even want to be in the lab...
If anyone has fortnite and wants to play w/ me im getting on. You just need to tell me ur name bc i wont accept it if idk its you.
My username is Glitch9657
Might make u team leader bc i never know what game to play tho,lol

Also more Chai, but in VRC
I actually got a retexture done for Chai and I’m loving it!

A little bit cooled down now,
I litterally had to fight my inner demons to get myself a bit settled, both figuratively and literally
But I finally beat Hatred after an hour so you could say I'm satisfied

Just finished Antonblast, it’s a blast
Play it, right now, that’s not a suggestion

Playing Peak and getting Peak
Couldn’t miss out on the opportunity yesterday