Show & Tell in ๐Ÿ”ง Technical FNaF โš™๏ธ

Show them your discovers!

I just want to say sorry for beta 1.0 update bc of it takes so long & I want to make new features polished as possible.

Which my real life affects speed of development.

Btw Beta 1.0 will reset corrupted Alpha 1.3 saves.

Fun useless fact: This page originally supposed to be for my secret project "Corruption in Flesh"

Idea of the project was cool but... It wasn't good enough to make it real.

Which literally was TGG but more sci-fi.

Collaboration with @Apple3 is real FOR REAL.

I'm gonna work with him on his game FNaF Soulless!

Here's unedited render of Springbonnie & old edited version without W.Freddy

Springbonnie render made by @Fangamer1254

W.Freddy render made by @KerkiraRSTeam


It contains broken anti-cheat bug when you win the night.

I'll upload pre-beta 1.0 soon bc of that.

(When you win you get anti cheat screen)



If it's not Lefty I'll call him Righty.

Here's thumbnail for my first C++ FNaF project which main purpose is to learn me C++ then to TGG.

Project is more likely to be developed when FNaF CR & FNaC 2 CR will be finished.


All changes so far:

Remember if you have any suggestions or questions feel free to tell them now.

Gooby Frooby PEAK 775.75 MB teaser.