
Comments (12)

What do you think?

so true

I just want to ask pls don't hate me is there gonna be a android?


oh ok


why is the link apk??? W H Y


Game contains flashing lights, loud noises & a lot of jumpscares which may cause epilepsy or heart attack.

[Description is getting a rework, read the post]


Hibernating Evil is a 3D multiplayer / singleplayer FNaF fangame inspired by Ultimate Custom Night & the Roblox game Ultimate Random Night also Ultra Custom Night.


There're 2 teams Guard & Animatronics.

Guard's task is to survive until the 6 AM while defending against animatronics which can end your run or distract you.

Animatronics have 1 target, the guard. Every animatronic behaves differently so it's not that simple as rushing to the office you have to plan out your move at attack the guard at right time.

ou can also cooperate with other player to make a precise planned attacks!


[HE] contains bunch of special modes for the player such as:

  • Random Classic

You get sent into a random lobby & when match begins you'll become a random animatronic or the guard so it's pretty unpredictable but fun experience!

  • Custom

Custom is like in classic FNaF game a custom night where you choose to play offline or online with your friends or other players around the world & set specific rules & animatronics.

Unlike Random mode you have full control of how game will be, for example:

/- You & your friends want to play with hand-choosen animatronics / guards?

No problem you just set in the settings wanted selection type & done!

/- Maybe you want to customize the speed of certain animatronics to be a little harder?

You just enter into animatronic's customization settings & you change some numbers!

  • Random Hard

Random mode has also hard version for more skilled players!

Animatronics are buffed with some additional skills!

Guards has also some additional buffs!

Nights lasts 6 minutes instead of 4 minutes & 30 seconds!

(It largely depends as who you play because for animatronics hard mode would have easy mode but for night guard would be hard mode & vice-versa)

Requirements to run [Not Final]:



Graphics Card:

Disc Space: 4 GB



@Fangamer1254 - Creator of [HE]

@realscawthon - Owner of FNaF series







Beta testing:




Inspired by:

Ultimate Random Night by grimthesilly

Ultra Custom Night by @KamilFirma

Ultimate Custom Night by @realscawthon

[Ultimate Night] old credits:

@KerkiraRSTeam - Thumbnail W.Freddy render

Softwarez used:

Ibis paint X, C++, Blender, Unreal Engine 5


#horror #other #survival #pointnclick #strategy #fnaf #HE #UltimateNight #Hibernating_Evil #C #fangame #multiplayer #3D #singleplayer

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Tobacco Use
Simulated Gambling

I think I'll do a rebrand for the [Ultimate Night] intead of being a 3D classic era FNaF fangame.

Now it'll will be 3D multiplayer UCN fangame inspired on URN now the game will be called "[Hibernating Evil]"

Due the game being multiplayer I'll learn a lot

Guess what is this!

Sorry for a long silence but a lot of things is going on in irl rn y'know.

Well rn me & my friend we're struggling to texture the walls bc....

We're beginners in Blender.

We finally managed to texture the floor but walls are PAIN.

Scary alert!!!!

Ignore untextured Bone.

The map is getting real.