Help in TurboWarp

Share your content with power, yet, with gaming spirit...

Apparently I need help on my Mac for this, I cannot seem to upload videos here on turbowarp using the Turbowarp record button and I tried downloading other files with the recorded audio and it just doesn't work, how do I troubleshoot this?

I'm currently doing a poll on what to do next for the perspective object I'm working on. Help me determine the fate of the project.

Could anyone help with getting the gamejolt api set up?

EDIT: i got it running

Is there any way to get a resume this script or resume all in turbowarp like an extension or something?

Looking to leave easter eggs in the shop/equipment area, drop your favorite album covers or game banners here!

¿Quien me enseña a hacer un sistema que detecte el idioma nativo del PC sin necesidad de doxearlos?

This is like the ONLY thing I have to overcome

Other than that everything else works as intended, this is definitely the HARDEST thing cuz I need to figure out a way to know that the tile is under another object without disrupting everything else

After a while I'm finally comfortable in asking for help to the public for this. I need some help on a huge project of mine. If you are interested please contact me. (More details in article)

is this good for a tick system?

Hey guys please go follow @kristaall and @Littlebigriph they have amazing games