Creations in Art and Game

Share your creations! Don't hesitate to add supporting images or video!

Coming soon, a Sherry where you can even customize the menu, remember to buy the TvCherry stickers to support the project:

#IndieGame #GameDev #Games #Gamer #Sherry #PixelArt #PixelArtist #IndieDev #PixelGame #Pixel


Here's some new footage of enemies from Final Fantasy Platformer. Goblins, Malboros, and Cactuars, oh my!

Showing off Melbourne Cavern!

The biggest underground area so far.

(#MapUpdate #WorldPartition) I've Update the visuals added weather effects and more to the game, and on top of that, I've created world-partition setup for foliage, so I can optimize the game as much as possible so everyone can play it.


TGF and Sarah

Just letting everyone know the first episode of my new series is finished, I'm calling it the "Ever Wonder" series. It goes up in about 20 minutes if you're interested in watching it on YouTube. Check it out here:

Hope you Enjoy.

What If two Dominant Species battle for Existence
Ever wonder, what would happen if...The Xenomorphs had ever encountered The Thing???Well lets take a trip through what an AI machine thinks would happen with...

Check it out. I just finished the cover art for my newest video series. It's starting off tonight, hopefully...

I'll give you guys a link when I post it :D

Hope you Enjoy.

An old drawing that my cousin and I did.

Cat astronaut.

So... Castronaut.. Catronaut idk you decide