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Bad news guys I accidentally deleted everything by accidentally clicking the block- oh wait nvm

But yeah I managed to create it!

There's actually a reason why I did it this way than doing the standard way of doin it

bless the file extention

Level in it's Rawest form(literally)

Just making my own level save system and file format just to make my lift a bit easier when making these

At this point this will just be Benjiro's jump because I don't know what other jumping animation to put for him, I mean I jump like this irl anyway so it makes sense(cuz maro)

How do I remove him from my game, like no really how do I get rid of him

Boost extensions are real

The tech is gonna be CRAZY

Got the loading and unloading of entities in

So I can add these collectables back in, but THIS time, instead of just being "insert standard common collectable", they do have a small but significant function in the gameplay unlike before

I was playing a previous version of the game(before the restart this year) and the movement felt… ok ish, but it’s nothing compared to now, it overall feels a lot more smoother and fluid, cuz before it felt sluggish and sorta hard to control at times


Jet Set Benjiro

Weird character hidden internal changes? Yes please

Subtle foreshadowing for something that won’t come up until like months later

You’ll understand very soon

Working on Rails since idk what to work on majorly for this besides animation, they work just as the same as regular geometry as of now, but I'll just get their basic functions in soon