miscellaneous in Collaboration

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Bruh, I just got scammed out of HD quality for a movie I rented on YT. Apparently, since the 21st of October, they limited movie streaming to 480p due to "technical difficulties". The rent expires in 48h. So I basically got scammed.

Thanks, Google.

Currently, I am doing pre-release testing with some of my friends! If you are interested in testing the game before release, leave a comment on this post!

Also, consider following! :)

Having two accounts has quickly made me realize GJ's lack of an account quick-swap feature

100 posts! And nearly 100 followers, the grand achievement since I started. Please follow, it'd help out a lot! Can't wait for 100 :)

Over a year ago, a disaster struck.

TL;DR: Complete motivation loss because of losing months of work. I still haven't recovered. Does anyone know what to do? I'm seriously getting upset with myself but can't do anything.


Hello all, please welcome me to Game Jolt, as I am the newest member! Kind of...

I'm actually an alt account of @FormulaFanboyFFIB . The main reason I exist is so Formula Fanboy can make more communities.

Anyway, say hello to Game Jolt's newest account!

Can I have some candy? Someone's gotta feed the rabbit in the basement.

why is this community just mario and fnaf


Here's a video about Mario watching TV, and let's just say, some weird things happen.

I also support this video to the Collaboration group, but did it in a much more weird way.

But anyways, I hope you guys like it, and let me know if I should make more.
