Gameplay in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!


The Game is here in a 80-90% done demo!!!!



Welcome to your new job at Sonic’s Fast Food Diner, where we put the “fast” in fast food!

The Gamejolt Page was updated. With new Artwork for the Description and Gameplay Screenshots were up to date with the Current State of Lost Bits atm.

The Lunar Puppet.

Progress Of the game :D


Now the office no longer looks flat! :D

Super!! Only Dark needs a model and then after some polishing the PK3 version will be released with a trailer. Every wondered how ROCKCLONES would look like when being a mega man game! Lets see what the alternative universe could look like then...

"Rockclones: Mega Man Maker Project" trailer 0
Every wanted to expierence the game for the first time? NOW YOU CAN! "Rockclones: Mega Mna Maker Project" is a total recreation of the 2 playable levels (Toy...