General in Ilyas games

@Ilya300000 is the best

March. Wahog, LWM or RuJolt Funk V2 will not out.

Март. Вахог, ЛВМ или Руджолт Фанк В2 не выйдут.

En: I did my first loop samle pack i guess. Most of them are bad, I just tried to make something like this, but if you won't like it so much, I will not make vol. 2

СПАСИБО ВСЕМ ЗА 800 ФОЛЛОВЕРОВ!:D (читайте ариткуль)

THANKS TO ALL FOR 800 FOLLOWERS!:D (read aritcle)

happy 10-th Anniversary, FNaW!

с 10-летием, ФНаВ!

у меня снег XD