Programming in GameMaker

Share your creations!

I have programmed a pet that will accompany Weefager and help him solve puzzles! I hope you like it very much :)


Dino rang vs purple


I have been working on the castle of fire and on the boss of this area: The queen of fire and her minions, the candle soldiers. What do you think? tell me :)


Movement of player v2.0 based on changeable max speed(N and M), on run (Shift) and on slowdown (C)

Added Tooltips to Claudia (Edit: I see the typo)


Movement of player

Hello! I had an idea to play with you: I will periodically upload puzzles about plants and if you guess them, you will have a secret code to get special plants in the game! I hope you like the idea :)


Been a while since I updated.
Maybe things are deeper than they seem...

I switched to Kristal faster than I thought :D.

(God, I like it).

Happy Holidays, stay tuned <3!!