Programming in GameMaker

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For some reason, it's really hard to change the alpha value of a tile layer in GameMaker. You can do this easily for sprite or instance layers, but not tile layers. So here's a video on how to easily update the alpha value of tile layers in real time.

Hey guys! been working on the game but needs a lot more optimization. Experience is everything

Это свершилось!

Спустя долгое время, обновление 0.2 вышло!

Что в Обновлении: +Добавлен Пистолет (Стрелять пока не умеет), +Добавлена движение фонаря верх и вниз, +Добавлена ванная комната, Изменены Титры.

Пойду дальше делать версию 0.3!

It's happening!

After a long time, update 0.2 is out!

What's in the Update: +Added gun (can't shoot yet), +Added up and down movement of the lantern, +Added bathroom, Changed Credits.

Going to go on to make version 0.3!


Celebi scream remix

i fix some very important bugs like that from the collisions, walk and from the door effect

Slowly finishing the look of the player drawer, I'm pro self-expression, show me what you make and ill feature it!

Just being transparent about this, I am going to change the whole player controller and this is it so far:

I Started Fireside!

deving alpharune or playing some

so what item i put?

the most liked win (put to how much heal)