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Devlog #5

First off; that exciting thing I mentioned is sadly delayed, since the OST is taking longer to be composed than I thought.

Also: I implemented yet another change to scoring some might find interesting. Check the article.

Hey everyone. I've been working, but progress has been a little slow lately. Most of the current developments have been in polishing and tweaking parts of the game. The boring part, essentially.

But I'll have something exciting soon.

Very exciting.

- Ani

Grapplerun Devlog #4: Hey everyone! It's been a bit, and I'm sorry for that: school's been rough and posting devlogs (as well as game development in general) has slipped by the wayside. I'm back now, though!

Check out the article below!

A new feature this time on the Grapplerun Devlog: This cool new background I made for the game's Infinite Mode! It's animated, with random colors!

Oh, did I forget to mention the game had an infinite mode? Oops. Well, it does!

See you all next time! :D

Hello, and welcome to my first develog for Grapple Run! Here's a showcase of the first full level in the game, Factory Funk!

I've made much more progress than this since, so stay tuned for much more in the coming days!

Have a good day!

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