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um update corrigindo algumas falhas e acrescentando algumas features está vindo ai. Esse é um vídeo rápido que quem jogou a versão da jam talvez perceba algumas diferenças.
Quem sabe sabe ;D #devlog #indiebr


English: Okay, since I haven't posted anything for almost a month... here a sneaky peak of what I'm working on...

Português: Ok, já que não postei nada durante praticamente um mês... aqui vai uma pequena espiada no meu jogo atual...

#gamedev #indiedev #2d

Spirit of Light is available on steam now! You can add it to the wishlist and buy the game!

The game was completely made in blender/Upbge!


ENG: Yeah... wasn't ready in time for the gamejam but at least I learned a lot :) (working in post-gamejam version).

PT-BR: yeah... não ficou pronto a tempo para a gamejam mas pelo menos aprendi bastante coisa :) (trabalhando na versão pós-game jam).


English: 3 days of developing... only 3 days left now O_o

Português: 3 dias de desenvolvimento... apenas 3 dias faltando agora O_o

#gamejaaj7 #gamedev #indiedev #topdown #2d #topview #indie #gamemaker #pixelart #retro


English: So I started creating a game for #gamejaaj7 (on and that's what I did today... dynamic feets

Português: Então, comecei a criar um jogo para #gamejaaj7 (no e foi isso que fiz hoje... pés dinamicos

Used some time today trying to figure out smoke in #blender to do the effect on the incense but no luck today. Tried some new shots and textures. Pretty happy on how it is going (kinda relaxing) #shogi #blender3d #b3d #wip

Worked a little on the enviroment today for my #shogi scene. Still #wip, kind of empty

Really liking how it is going
#blender3d #blender #b3d

Second day working in this render. Didn't add that much, adjusted the light, the doors (still thinking how to compose the scene to show them) some cushions and some minor details. still #wip #blender #b3d #shogi