All Posts in jackalocked community (PT-BR & ENG)

Lock the jackal!

I haven't progressed as much this week, but I'm revamping a whole new level (and experimenting with paralax effects) and added an "invincibility" kind of power-up!

And I'm also doing some bug-fixes aswell (there's dozens!!)

#kumper #gbstudio #gbc #gamedev

This is the design channel!

Isn't art and design the same? Well, not quite!

Post in design if your creation has a functionality (like a font, layout, etc).

Post in art if your creation is an art piece (probably not the best example, but like a drawing).

Imagine your #twitter anniversary being right on the day when twitter announced #AI machine training

I never really used Twitter anyways (just to complain about that one Scratch AI post.)

Follow me on #Blusky! aka the superior X:

The frontpage!

Many stuff can get frontpaged, like art, creations, and even simple text posts!

Please note that the frontpage is simply a spotlight to bring attention to posts. Do not feel unmotivated if you don't get frontpaged!

Este é o geral português!

Fala sobre qualquer coisa. (Mas respeita as regras da comunidade! E tenha pelo menos um pouco de sentido comum)!

Post any art that was made by you!

The rules still apply. Don't post too gory art too.

This is the english general channel!

Talk about anything you'd like here (But respect the community rules! And maybe have a bit of common sense aswell)!

Making a Gamejolt community!

I've seen many people here making communities that are literally centered around them (fan-clubs or whatever), so I'm making my own aswell!

This will probably flop but it's worth trying, I guess.

(The community will be +13!!!)