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>1 month of developing #Kumper!

- New player sprites & HUD that take less tiles;

- New level with multi-paths! One leading to the underground and the other closer to the sky!

(Video is a little bit sped-up)


No progress this week

But here's the game on a mobile emulator!

With this I can make better playtesting because of the touchscreen controls. Here's what I saw: Jumping when sprinting is quite hard, so I'll make the up arrow an alt jump button

#Kumper #gbc

More 1 week progress for #Kumper!

- Added new elements, such as bubble actors that float in the air and make you bounce (but pop after a few bounces!)

- Revamping some levels

- And more.

(Footage is a bit sped up because of the GIF lenght limit.)

I haven't progressed as much this week, but I'm revamping a whole new level (and experimenting with paralax effects) and added an "invincibility" kind of power-up!

And I'm also doing some bug-fixes aswell (there's dozens!!)

#kumper #gbstudio #gbc #gamedev