fangames in Mega Man
Early random "level screen" generator, 4 now only have 4 256x224px "screens".
Generador temprano de "pantallas de nivel", por ahora solo tengo 4 "pantallas" de 256x224.
We started with the development of the local co-op mode and with the generation of random "level screens" :D
Ya estamos haciendo el co-op y la generacion aleatoria de "pantallas de nivel"
Faster than Proto man, he has a stronger Mega Buster that can DESTROY enemies with only one Charge Shot.
Do you prefer Proto man or Mega man?
RƔpido y con un Poderoso Mega Buster que barre enemigos.
Prefieres a Proto man o a Mega man?
Protoman/Blues is here, with a new intro and some new mechanics
Protoman volvio, y no en forma de fichas, sino con mecanicas nuevas y una intro mejorada
I know my account has been dry with no posts! I didnāt forget about anything. I had to move and a lot of stuff happened, but on the 12th I get my equipment from my other location. And I can continue on games! Including my Mega Man game!
Hi there! Ark here and i'm back for the new dev log video! Feels free to leave a comment about our update!!!
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