General in MegaMan community

Do you like Megaman? POST!

It's been a while, but here's another tierlist, this time ranking (almost) every MegaMan/ Rockman vocal song. I'm probably going to end up changing my mind on this sooner or later, but let me know what you think in the comments

Hey America! Tired of presidents being stupid and both sucking? Vote Ringlad for prez in 2024!

Ringlad, the better candidate! A truly neutral and competent leader!


m e g a m a n 1 2 w h e n ?


dang, it's already been a year

Roll page coming soon

It's no secret that I play a TON of MegaMan. I've been playing some non-MegaMan games recently, but I want to know what you guys want me to play. Tell me in the comments, I’m happy to take suggestions!

Content. BUT not mega man page

i'm too lazy

Mega hog All Stars: Part 1 Bosses!

Roll Hangout with Zelda