Main page in pikawilliam11 HQ - Community Department

Share your creations!

New sticker pack available: Cookie therapy
I am not a doctor, but I know for sure that we can solve a lot of problems with cookies C:

Just a little reminder that you can play most of my games (all in the future) from your phone without download with Firefox mobile app.
You know what time is it?
It's monthly feedback back C:
(Yes, gonna start this now).
Kindly asking to volunters that PLAYED one or more of my games for some feedback.
Something to focus more?
Wants to see a category more?
I am always trying to improve.

Broadcast alert is the PERFECT background you NEED for all posts about major update, breaking news stuff, important info for your viewers, etc.
-Pikawilliam11 HQ communication department

This is a serious message.
I checked Twitter just to see something about recent Faze clan Twitch bans and bla bla bla.
Then, I see "Nintendo" is a popular trend now with 83k tweets today only (not good at all).
-Read articles-
New stuff is still in the kitchen C:
-Trying to fix the collision issues with "Online claw machine destruction"
-Started the basic project coding stuff for "Simple game with cat jpeg"
-Preparing the project folders of multiple games.

pikawilliam11 recap of 2023
(I was too tired to do a long video, so here is something easier to do).

Game dev brain storm in a nutshell:
Wow, what a good idea for a game!
*When must do the concept and sketch about it"
Wow, this is so hard!
Hello there!
I was AFK for a whole week, I know.
I needed to focus on my own health, but now I feel a bit better to resume game dev C: