New games updates in pikawilliam11 HQ - Community Department
Quick patch for "Take the popcorn" for fixing a game breaking bug prevent the player to take more than one popcorn for mobile users.
Take the popcorn is now at V2.0.0
This update includes:
-Optimized for mobile Web browser.
-Fullscreen toggle.
-Restructure of menu navigations.
The useless button is now at V2.1.0
This update includes:
-Optimized for mobile Web browsers.
-Fullscreen toggle.
-Restructure of menu navigations.
Mouse cursor police pursuit is now at V2.0.0.
The update includes:
-Now optimized to be played on mobile Web browser.
-Fixed a bug where the score was not reset when leave the game and go back.
-Improve the menu navigations.
-Add fullscreen toggle.
F1 lawnmower has been updated to V2.0.0
This version includes:
-Being optimized to be played on a mobile Web browser
-Add the Fullscreen toggle feature.
-Some minor patches with the main menu to make it more friendly.
Bacteria fight under microscope is now patched to V1.1 after 2 years :O
-Fixed the bacteria origins when spawning.
-Changed the font color to make them freaking readable lol.…