Creations in PowerPoint Games

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Entrance Maker - Gretta McFarland Versus Vicky Manson - Now With Match Card Support!
0 votes 13 days left

The Official JadeJohnson Games Entrance Maker - Showcase Trailer:
Sure, we went for a very Super Nintendo-Esque, unrealistic look for the spectators, but everything is editable in this template, and can even all be animated!
0 votes 13 days left

Y aqui esta, la Trilogia de FNaF hecha en Powerpoint!

How's, THIS! For an update to the Character Select Screen?! Eh?
0 votes 3 days left

Bebe's Art Studio - Dojo Mode - Official Character Select Screen:
That's right, we're finally beginning the core development of Dojo-Mode! It SHOULD, take WAY less time than Giga Street Fighter II!
0 votes 3 days left