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What's next after release Ghost&Souls Ch1?

Ghost&Souls is out! Have a nice play! Thanks for waiting! I hope you enjoy my work!

Hey guys! I am preparing for release now! I am so excited!

P.S. Ghost&Souls coming out November 3rd!)

Secound update for Link Loader.

since the classic gameboy locks the cart in place when the system is on, meaning I won't support the removel of a flashcart. but in return, I'll allow programmers to use crat RAM for their own use

The menu is now loading up, next is getting the comunication between 2 systems working corectly

won't be easy because emulators aren't made for debugging two at once and having them stay in sync.

but it'll happen soon enough

First pass of the tittle/menu for the transfer program is done. It'll get more changes latter with some text written in the box at the bottom through code.
I do need to make a script to convert it into graphics data and a tile-map. I'll update when done.

Some images from “Ghost&Souls Chapter 1: Second Life”. I hope that you will enjoy my work!

"Ghost&Souls: Second Life" is coming so soon! I really want you to play! See you in November 3, guys!

how about sharing your neural network recorded in the game with the game joil community?
как насчет того, чтобы поделиться своей нейронной сетью, записанной в игре, с сообществом game joil?

Next level is done! He's looking more better, then first. I also added one feature, but I don't want to show this now. Soon some my friends will test this game!