Game Room in Arcade Hangout Room

Post Anything You Want

¿Qué puerta elegirías?


Which door would you choose?


Que os esta pareciendo como va el proyecto, a mi me gusta y espero que a vosotros también. ;)


What do you think about how the project is going, I like it and I hope you like it too. ;)

Espero que les guste mi siguiente proyecto


I hope you like my next project


Hello everyone, I am continuing with Willy adventure and I bring two new maps for the second world.

2-1 City troubles, this level is a special one, you only have half heart and you have to watch where you jump or else you will die, I'm having some

Dev Log #5

The special Bloom you see is an optional setting you can turn on or off in game.

Oh and I got the Boss Health Gauge working!