Others in Retro Gaming

Take a Blast to the Past!


For 2025, I'm most excited to play... my own future games! I'm working on 2nd demo of Fire Leaf Water and would be making games for game jams also .

So I'll be excited to play them .


Ecco the dolphin did not have a sequel after 24 years

Tom Plays Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 Part 4
I finished off tier 4 and the bonus stage of tier 3 and I switched costumes again after finishing off tier 4 I will be taking on tier 5 as Dr. Light that wil...



I've made ? blocks which act like ice blocks but will produce random block on death giving challenge in endless modes.

These blocks appear in both endless modes as shown shown in these shots:

My current Atari 2600 collection. Retro games has a different feel when it’s a Gen Z playing retro games. I still like them anyways and that’s what matters.

Tom Plays Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 Part 3
I finished Tier 3 dressed up as Bass next Monday I will finish tier 4 as Roll I also will finish off the bonus level hidden in tier 3. Thank you kindly to @S...

I've updated some levels to insert Luna block. This challenge blocks are for players who want extra challenge.

Here are some shots featuring Luna blocks:

Tom Plays Make a Good Mega man Level 3 Part 2
I finished tier 2 dressed up as Proto Man and checked out Magic Man's Casino. Next Monday Tier 3 while dressed up as Bass. This video was originally posted o...