art in The Unhappy Community :c

opposite of Happy

Hello everybody, all the enemies of each map already have a beta design, I won't show them to keep the surprise for now ,the boses will be the same, I would like to add secret boses, but for now nothing like that, I will make a last post about Bad

Hello hello, well time for Bad Days.
I was talking with a friend and after thinking about it for a while I think I'm going to use RPG maker to make the project, I know some of you won't like the change, but I think it will be more fun for everyone,

Hello everyone, the whole team is back, I have good news about bad Days and things to talk about with you, for now I just wanted to tell you that we are here.
Outside the script lately I have a lot of exams and work to do, I won't be able to spend

hello everyone and welcome to our next release, this halloween prepare your favorite ritual tools because we will have a new scary appearance, a new comic and this time of Matt and Ana, where we will learn the origins of how these two came to the

hi everyone, soon will come out a comic news, I guess you already know what it is, but in the meantime here I have a small png for a Global Fight character from my friend @Simata , it's a beta design, but I wanted to show you the character design and

Hola chicos, el cómic ya está terminado al 100%, sólo falta traducirlo al inglés, mientras tanto os dejo unas capturas de pantalla de algunas de las viñetas del cómic, espero que os gusten :)
Hi guys, the comic is already 100% finished, it

Hi everybody, we still have a little bit to go before the launch of the comic, but I wanted to tell you that we have important things that are coming and will change everything a little bit, but on the other side this will be the 10th project done

Hola chicos, probablemente esta será la última vez que nos veamos por un tiempo a no ser que se me ocurra algo, os dejo este último diseño de Matt y Ana y nos vemos en la penumbra :)
Hi guys, probably this will be the last time we will see

Out of them all the one I hate the most is doing the best???? Like come! WTH