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@BubyGamer12 just dropped sugar rush 3 check it out now


Hello, just came across something that should be seen a lot more then it is atm on GJ. Down below is a link to a Youtube video exposing a group of people known as the "FCL", many founders like TheBones5, Bulon and so on.

Remember Bonnie? Yeah my advice... Don't make a Sound.

Abandmatronics - Roblox

Nightmare William Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's : Witness


Getting close to what i trying to build. Lights now are set well and work nice. This is the image through Clickteam, still to remind u, things may change but now i feel happy about how the office looks for now. Tomorrow i start with the cameras. Also date

Made By - @redbyrd891178

Alhamdulilah "Thank God"

1st pic : New Tom V1.2

2nd pic : New Tom V1.0

Both will be used Inshallah

Reworked the lighting in the office, more warm color and colder closer ones. Wires have been restructurated, added stars above the table a plushie and a new broken clock. Its actually part of a mechanic later in game.
(1Image is new, 2 is old comparison)

Hmm, bobby