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(Message Created on: January 10th, 2025)

The official #20thJJSparodyMascot #HorrorGame known as "Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Adventures in High School with Ian & Coco in: S.A.W (Snakes At War)", is the official parody mascot horror game sequel that takes place right after the events of the three Old Builder Buttler Guards, the terrifying Just Shapes and Dance events of Monster Virus, and the horrifying and dark moments during the Summers of 2021!!!!!! But now, things are going to be different here folks, Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Adventures in High School with Ian & Coco in: S.A.W (Snakes At War) is a future parody mascot horror game that'll be taking place during the events of an all new original parody story, which have been in the parody works and parody development-ness for nearly 207 years of time!!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates to learn more about the parody secrets, lore, backstories, and histories about Jax Justun Studios and their official #207thYearParodyPark known as "S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc."!!!!




Official Jax Justun Studios Introduction

(Official JJS Introduction Originally Created on: August 1st, 2020)

(Official JJS Introduction Officially Re-Created on: January 10th, 2025)

There is nothing more excited for many high schools to become an official parody amusement park, which has been nearly in the parody works and parody development-ness since October 17th, 1814!!!!! But now, after centuries of delays, mishaps, and those horrible parody massacres, around next year on September 14th, 2021, the day of the official #207thYearAnniversaryEvent of Jax Justun Studios, we'll be finally opening up our very most oldest high school-like parody attraction of all time, known as "S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc."!!!!!! A parody-like amusement park that's based on an island filled with many your beloved Snakehead Parody Mascots and grown-ups alike!!!! Filled to the brigs of many original high school names that your beloved teenaged students can all enjoy for a lifetime!!!!! See you all there!!!! Stay tuned for some more future parody updates!!!!!

Sincerely, John Rockhead (The Official Creator, Owner, & Founder of S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc.)


Official S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc. Quote:

"When high schools become your enemy and make your go down, always make yourself go back up top and earn your positive trust on all of your new and beloved teachers, friends, and families!!!"

GrakeFend Rockhead (The Official CEO President & Commander of S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc.)




Official Plot for Episode One Only:

(Official Plot Created on: January 10th, 2025)

(Total of Calendar Days: 1 Calendar Days)

Today was just no ordinary day to begin with.....Neither a fun one to begin with!!!! Today was May 24th, 2021, nearly four months before the official grand opening of "S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc."!!!!!!! An official parody amusement park that was been in the works from Jax Justun Studios and The Rockhead Brothers for nearly almost 207 full years now!!!!! That parody amusement park was just no ordinary park, it was an official parody amusement park that was based on an island, filled with parody mascots known as the Snakehead Family Members that had owned their very own high schools around it!!!!! Which that means, S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc. was a parody amusement park that was based on an island, filled with high schools galore and made for all teenagers from all ages!!!! However though, on May 24th, 2021, The Rockhead Brothers had suddenly gone missing, and all there was just Jax Justun Studios to operate this parody park until the brothers were found!!!! Months has past though, and things aren't the same as what it was before all over S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc.!!!!!!

And of course, months later, on August 12th, 2021, a month right before the original grand opening of S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc., your beloved parody hero known as a 15 or 16 year old teenage boy, along with another unknown high school kid, was invited inside of the now abandoned ruins of S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc.!!!!!! Once entering this high school-like parody amusement park, you had found out that this 207-year-old parody park was ruled over the parody mascots and parody cameo mascots within the broken walls of this now abandoned parody amusement park, not rotting away forever, after 207 years in development!!!! It's now up to you as your beloved teenage boy hero in order to cover the official parody secrets, lore, and parodies behind all over this twisted high school parody park!!!! To survive as always, complete and solve puzzles, defeat enemies, collect many official parody collectables, and finding many ways in order to escape the broken and destroyed walls all over S.A.W. (Snakes And Wonder) Inc.!!!!! It's all up too you now!!! Jax Justun Studios is counting on you!!!!!!


Official Story for Episode One Only:

(Official Story Code for Episode One Only: 967-ZXC-4371)



Official Plot for Episode Two Only:

(Official Plot Created on: 2025)

(Total of Calendar Days: Calendar Days)

Official Story for Episode Two Only:



Official Plot for Episode Three Only:

(Official Plot Created on: 2025)

(Total of Calendar Days: Calendar Days)

Official Story for Episode Three Only:


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #20 (For Val "Valentino") - Created on: Feb. 1st, 2025 Well folks, today's now the first day of #FebOf2025, better known as the #1stDay of the #1YearAnniversary of the official redesigns/remodels for the "Vaccum Brothers"!!!!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #32 (For Georyg) - Created on: January 29th, 2025 We here at Haxx Hustun Studios have finally returned to the official #JJSparodyArchives to rediscovered some more official #JJSparodyDepictions!!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #31 (For Jepporteyg) - Created on: Jan. 27th, 2025 It's been a long time now since HT Band Enter. had found something related towards Jax Justun Studios and everything!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #27 (For The Giant Ghost Chase Spirit (Mr. Giant Ghost Spirit "GGS") - Created on: Jan. 26th, 2025 We here at Draxx Dustun Studios had once again, found another official #JJSparodyLikeCreation!!!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #30 (For Mrs. Sheffinton "Cheffinton") - Created on: Jan. 19th, 2025 Nineteen days have now past here in January of 2025, and Jax Justun Studios is STILL on vacation folks!!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #29 (For Mr. Am.I.Right "AmIRight") - Created on: January 15th, 2025 Today's Jan. 15th, 2025, and the parody storage is barely surviving here folks!!!! Good thing this is the only one that we're showing off only for today folks!!!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #19 (For Mr. Glitch) - Created on: January 12th, 2025 This is the most smallest official #JJSparodyCameoDepiction that Napature Science has ever seen before here on Jan. 12th, 2025!!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #28 (For Mr. Saxaphone) - Created on: January 11th, 2025 Hey everybody, it appears that Jax Justun Studios aren't much of some morning people, but HT Band Entertainment is!!!!! Jan. 11th, 2025 was when this guy was created!!!!!!!!!!!!

S.A.W. Inc. Parody Game Header #1 - (Created on: Jan. 10th, 2025) Here's today's/tonight's final post here you guys!!! And yes, that's of course, the official name of this official #ParodyGameHeader here folks!!!!! It was the best that I could've done!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #27 (For Lord Snakehead) - Created on: January 10th, 2025 Yes people!!! It appears that we here at Haxx Hustun Studios may had gotten a bit bored from the past couple of hours, and decided to look around in them #JJSparodyFiles!!!!!!!