Comments (30)
The visuals in this game wow, amazing.
Holy crap! Yes!
Following this for sure. Any chance of Linux builds?
Could you provide a downloadable version of the game? Unity Web player isn't supported by Chrome. :(
Can't reply to you for some reason so I'll leave my input here. Clearly the pixelated people need shading. I know this shader works for planes if you need it: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/shader-for-sprites-to-cast-shadows-and-take-normal-maps.218251/ . As far as the detail goes, sure it could be more detailed but that boils down to ones pixel art abilities and also the draw distance of sprites when using a pixelated shader. Meaning if your sprites had chicken legs like "Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery" they could be hovering chests at 20 meters which could be masked in a high population area like the subway. Also if you know how to 4D them, shouldn't be hard to animate them to wander and throw in as many as possible, flood that subway and have a guy playing sax for change :)
Obviously the biggest advice is exactly what everyone wanted with "Bernband" and that's interaction. Whether it be dialogue and tasks like "Ananke" or billboard combat like with "Delver" or "Doom". You might also want to simply utlilize both elements of this and "The Field" flashing back between the two or being chronological. Given they both have great settings it's food for thought.
Following in the lo-fi footsteps of games like "Bernband" and "Ananke", 1986 uses a similar pixelated style but with a bit higher resolution allowing the developer to utilize more modern effects like heightmaps or reflections in the rain which is executed perfectly. It's strange but like many games of this fashion it's almost as if the aliasing pulls me in more than most current AAA games.
The moment you step out onto the porch into the rain and see your neighbor viewing the same meticulously crafted skyline under the neon sign you get a real sense of atmosphere. Like with the other similar lo-fi games I really hope to see this expanded upon in the future.
1986 is a game project I'm working on settled in a dark cyberpunk universe .
"Everything is under control, we eat rations at fixed times, a militia monitors public places, social interactions are prohibited under penalty of imprisonment. The work is tedious and paid just enough to pay his bills and food. It rains all the time ..."
Help: F1
Move: WASD
Crouch: C/Left Ctrl
Jump: Space
Look: Mouse
Interact: F/Right Mouse Button
Everything is work in progress, lot of things will change during my progress.
I'm trying to get the general mood of the places so there's not much story and gameplay yet.
Thanks for playing!
You can follow me @Xerxes1138
Main menu music by me
Appartement music is from VCO 015 Opus by Paul Lawler
Sounds from Freesound.org