Comments (4)
Colonel Sanders has joined the chat
You knew I made a good game as a 12 year old so you want me to help you
Exactly what it says on the tin. 100 FREAKISH CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Invade universes like the Banana Splits Movie, Cuphead, Bendy, and more!!
Unlock different chickens
Get some coins, and you get new chickens like Chicken and Techno Chicken!
Awesome/funny soundtrack
Hilarious memes soundtracks and awesome soundtracks!
Play minigames like chicken pinball and tic tac chicken!
fight bosses!
Defeat the evil Mr. Coyote and his evil gang of misfits!
Developer: @MarxfromKirby
Coder, 2d Modeler: @SunkyBunky
Tommy the Chicken VA: @HTH
Mr. Coyote VA: @TheRealRedTheHedgehog
3d Model Modeler: @WowWowEveryone
#arcade #rpg #platformer #adventure #fangame #action #retro #scifi #puzzle #shooter #sports #strategy #other