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2D Platformer - Mechanic Testing

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Just a simple warmup type game for Ludum Dare 30. haven't done any serious coding before, so this has been some good practice. I might develop this further once I get some more free time. There is no objective, no goal, no time limit. Just mess around with the mechanics and try to break my game.


'A','D' To move left and right.

'W' To jump.

Climb light grey walls by walking into them and pressing 'W' or 'S' to climb up and down.

'Shift' will pause time. You can only use your special abilities when frozen.

The scroll wheel up and down will switch between abilities.

With the 'Rope' ability selected, click on a dark grey box to attatch a rope to it.

Right click or switch abilities to destroy the rope.

With the 'Teleport' ability selected, click anywhere inside the green radius to teleport to that spot.

If the teleport radius is red, you cannot teleport to that spot, or you have used up your ability and must either touch the ground or rope swing to replenish it.

Message me on Reddit if you find any bugs! /u/ASmall_Boys_Trowsers

Made by Cooper Jacklich.



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