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Version: 0.1.0almost 9 years ago

2Forts is a game I made for school but never finished.

All weapons are dropped in the left down corner.(use TP to get there)

The Dubstip Gun does not have sound or does damage. (unfinished)

Player Red is NOT fully functionall!
Missing Functions:
-Can't drop some(most) weapons.(may crash)
-Can't sell/buy.
-Can't pick up some(most) weapons.(may crash)
-No hotbar.

2Forts is about a "Green Guy" and a "Red Guy"
Their lives are "atatched" to their own forts.
If their fort would be destroyed, he would die.

-Destroy your opponents fort to win. (Never completed)
-You have weapons to shoot/kill your opponent and fort.
-There is a item shop where you can sell and buy for coins.
-You can mine.(mining coin ore drops coins)

-Movement: A-D
-Jump: W
-Aim: J-L-I-K
-Shoot: Lshift (hold/press depends on weapon)
-Selecting weapons: Q-E-R
-Buy(shop): N
-Sell(shop): M
-Drop Weapon: M
-Teleport(for testing): Z

Red(Not finished):
-Movement: Left-Right
-Jump: Up
-Aim: numpad(4-6-8-5)
-Shoot: Rshift (hold/press depends on weapon)
-Selecting weapons: numpad(7-9-+)
-Buy(shop): n/a
-Sell(shop): n/a
-Drop Weapon: numpad(3)
-Teleport(for testing): numpad(0)

Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Simulated Gambling
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