Comments (6)
Just finished your game. Really nice... like the good old games!!! :) One of the best I played so far!!!
Beautiful graphics and music. Well done. I included it in part 1 of my Point and Click Jam compilation video series, if you wouldlike to check it out :) http://youtu.be/wRI0NHLNNGo
Great entry for point and click jam. Loved the mood (music and art are awesome) and funny dialogs and puzzles. I looked for years for the pink rock but the game totally deserved it (and it fits the old school spirit). Congrats :)
5 Dragons
On this day, Sophie was walking home from the neighbour city when a huge dragon jumped her. She escaped by diving into a cave, but now it seems that she is stuck...
Can you help Sophie get home?
Music by Marc Straight: https://twitter.com/MarcStraight
Link to walkthru: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By3eiQQtizm9VEswSWNqcW41MkE/view?usp=sharing
5 Dragons is a short, EGA palette adventure game made with Adventure Game Studio between 14th-29th November for the Point and Click Jam jams.gamejolt.io/pointandclickjam #pointclickjam