Agents of steer
Add it in your next game : http://u3d.as/YDh
WASD - to drive
Press tab in a race to view the leadearboard
Press Space for handbrake
Agents of steer is a race AI system which is a combination of steering behaviors like
Unaligned collision avoidance
Obstacle avoidance
Path Following
and some special logic
these helps the system to give a vehicle competitive and intelligent behavior
The new Race Manager
this new race manager system helps you create a circuit or sprint race with any no. of AI and any no. of laps.
New Police Car
1.4 includes a new car , this car can either be in parked mode or in patrolling mode where when alerted , it will try to ram the racing cars. Go try it in the demo , it's quite fun.
Version 1.4 Backup before updating +A new police AI added +A new Race manager
+2 Full blown races
Fixed - Some bug fixes in the AI
Version 1.3 update
Fixed the wiggle bug when at the end of the path in one way mode
Fixed Wheel jiggle
New and better way to control the behavior using separate weights and strengths class
Thank you for trying it :)