Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Hey everyone! So ya, it's been two months... I took a little break, but not to worry because there's a new Alex's Escape Demo update launching tomorrow! The biggest update of all time in fact. I will keep you updated on when the update goes live! #indie
*improved the way Alex interacts with the shop
*improved the money bar
*redesigned the note in the weapons section of the shop to be more universal with the rest of the game
*redesigned the help/controls menu in level 1.
New Alex's Escape Demo Patch! (v0.2) #indie
*Fixed a bug with the left and right backdrop buttons which could result in the player getting stuck on a particular backdrop
*Fixed a bug where the Money Bar would show on the intro "fight" screen for level 1
Alex's Escape Demo: Released!
Yes! That's correct! The demo for the Alex's Escape game has officially been released. You can play it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/387548889/ I'm not going to add the demo to this page. I will put the game on here when it's complete.
Welcome to the first official Devlog for the upcoming Alex's escape Game! Read more info below: