
Comments (2)

What do you think?

did you draw the thumbnail? :O if so, you have a nice artstyle. would love to see more drawings from you.


Alexus in the enchanted world is a rpg game set in a fantasy world where there is a secret society that is up to something strange. One day a boy named Alexus begins to discover them, he begins to notice many violet masked people wherever he goes. On his journey there will be many dangers, friendships and mysteries everywhere. Could Alexus discover this society's evil plan? discover it yourself.


Alexus in the enchanted world es un juego rpg situado en un mundo de fantasia donde existe una sociedad secreta que trama algo raro. Un dia un chico llamado Alexus empieza a descubrirlos, empieza a notar muchos enmascarados de violeta a donde vaya. En su viaje habra muchos peligros, amistades y misterios por doquier. Podra Alexus descubrir el malvado plan de esta sociedad? descubrelo tu mismo.

#adventure #rpg #retro #strategy #puzzle

Fantasy Violence

Hello everyone, sorry for disappearing for a while. To be honest I didn't have much to say, the production is almost finished, I also wanted to warn you that it will be released in English and Spanish.

Hello everyone, this is my second post and my 6th day of work. I'm adding new maps and progressing the story. Later I will add crafting.


Hud maker plugin added

Hello everyone, this is my first post and I don't have much to say. The game is in progress and still missing, but I'm moving at a pretty good speed, so I think in about 2 weeks, if I work hard, it will be almost complete.