Comments (9)
10/10 would recommend!
Hey I played your game and made a vid on it. Pretty cool feel free to check it out here:
Played the game a few hours ago and I must say it shows a lot of uniqueness. The enemies indeed have different attack patterns, I was surprised to see the second had a "phase 2", very dark souls like! The attacks are slow and fast at the same time, fast enough to make you anxious about the dodge, slow enough for you to react, simply perfect. Only thing I would try to fix is the hitbox with the first enemy, when he lunges at you. He hit me several times, yet he rarely dealt any damage, good for the player, bad for the game. Overall, though, great job!
I didn't played this game. but ım gonna play this game later :) and i will give feedback
Very epic!
Arena of Abyss Demo
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/627567134/arena-of-abyss-fantasy-hack-n-slash-2d
The Game:
Arena of abyss is a game where you should fight and become the undisputed champion going through variety of enemies on different arenas.
Would you reach the glory or you will be beaten trying it?
Gain loot and obtain upgrades and weapons.
Every weapon has a different way of play it!
All enemy has a customized IA.
Fight against boss-like enemies and conquer the arenas!.
Gamepad (xbox) compatibility
#action #roguelike #arena #unity #fantasy #arcade #hack #hackandslash #slash #2d #retro #rpg #other #survival #kickstarter #crowdfunding