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Asteroid Collision I
Move your ship to space, kill all the asteroids, collect all the gems.
Press the space key to shoot.
Left Arrow, Right Arrow to move.
P pause button
Game Engine: Gdevelop (http://compilgames.net/main-it.html)
Graphics: Kenney (https://kenney.nl/)
New updates
Added new background
made a small change to the game's graphics on asteroids and ship
created a new bullet
inserted a new energy bar
inserted a new life bar
added new sound effects
this game version is not definitive
due to a mistake all the game data has been deleted, now I am slowly restoring the code if you want to find all the progress made directly on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr0eR0lGK6fwBZUusoCFK0wOZXrbrn4ks
Thanks for the support
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!