
High-res textures
Bloodbath is a #multiplayer, fast paced and skill based #firstperson #shooter with lots of movement mechanics #action #fps
Participate in the everlasting war between two of the most powerful PMCs in the world: Otval and Mikrovolnovka.
Advanced movement system: bhop, surf, vault, gain speed with your weapons!
Cool graphics: this game is made with my own engine - 3Dev!
Satisfying shooting - much better than cs 2!
10 different maps ranging from small arenas to a giant desert!
5 weapons - AK 47, Deagle, Knife, SVD and MP5SD!
2 game modes: team deathmatch and capture the point!
Different weather conditions: clear, overcast or even rain and night!
Voice commands!
Account system with the wide range of statistics!
Character customization with patches and hats!
And there is much more to come!
Useful keybinds:
V - Voice commands
T - Chat
R - Reload
G - (Hold) Stronger recoil
Left Ctrl - (Hold) Slide
F1 - Free camera
F2 - Lock on a player (in free camera mode)
F3 - Toggle 3rd person mode
F4 - Toggle GUI rendering
F5 - Toggle player rendering
F6 - Toggle weapon rendering
F7 - Toggle realistic shooting
F8 - Stop ambient music
F9 - Play ambient music
F10 - Toggle eye adaptation
Server commands:
/switch - switch your team
/stats - your stats
/nextmap - vote for next map
/nextmode - switch current mode
/kms - uhh
There's a lot of blood and swear words in the game bruh!!!
cs2 suggz ballz