
Day One: Where am I?
I woke up yesterday in a tube of clear and oily water. I broke the glass and scuttled into a vent. I didn’t even get to see the room a lot. I do remember rows and rows of tubes like mine, and a notebook on the floor (which I am writing in). I am now in some sort of cemented room, one vent on each side of the wall and one on the ceiling. There is water coming from it So many thoughts are rushing through my head right now. I need to rest.
Day Two: Remember Remember Remember
I can’t remember anything before, I can read, write, speak, and do anything I was educated to do. Wait education. Whats that. Think. Playground. Bench. Van. Mulch. Rag. Why are these words here. Why can I remember those but not stuff like my child. I have a child? Whats a child? I can’t remember, the machines are too loud. Machines? What are masheens? Like the one where they. What?
Day Three: He Yells
I quit remembering. I am still in the room, its quite greasy. And the room is filled with the noise of clanging, banging, and the occasional ZZZTTT outside. After the ZZZTTT there is silence, I can here a man yell. He says, “No!,” “Why!” He once yelled at someone to, “fix it its not working.” I am hungry.
Day Four: I don’t know what day it is
I don’t actually count the days, as there is not way to tell, I’m in the room still. Only when I sleep and wake. I am hungry, and the noise bothers me. I want to leave. I don’t know which vent to go through. I will spin my pencil and where ever it points I will go. Like spin the bottle. What? Stop remembering.
Day Five: Metal Desk
I found something to eat. It is a sandwich with. Sand Witch? Whats a Witch again? Sand? Stop. I am eating it. I am hiding under this metal desk with my something. I will call this food something. Thats funny because everything is something. I can’t see much of this room but when I came in I saw so many weird things on the wall. Grey contraptions. The weirdest contraption was on the table with my something. It is small but has these heavy jaws. Someone is here. They picked up the jaws started messing with it with the wall contraptions. Then they left with it.
Day Six: Window
There is big window in front of the desk. I left the desk for a few minutes and looked out it. There was someone. He looked funny in his orange clothes. He picked up this brown thing and stacked it on a red thing, then ran. Where is he? There is someone here. There is two someones here. They argued over something, they talked about the “rapid coning masheen” and how something left it. The one man had a black suit on. He grabbed the jaws and put it in his. His. Suitcase? Yeah, suitcase. Then there was a SLAM!! Louder than what I heard in the room. Two other people walked into the room and picked up the other someone who fell down. There was red on his face. Like the thing on my something. Everyone left the room.
Day Seven: I am thirsty
I am thirsty. I am going to leave the room and find something to drink. I don’t want someone to see me. I think they’ll get mad.
#adventure #platformer #puzzle #action #strategy #fangame #other