BubbleGum Tanks
In the year 2169 the world has been tranformed to the perfect utopian. Violence is outlawed and secret underground fightrings started showing up in the larger cities, to feed the peoples need for violence. In one of these fightrings people have modified small robots to spew gum at the opponent. This ring is is placed in an old gum factory where gum will sometimes ooze into the arena and the temparatures can be wild. In a fight to the death which robot tank will survive, and which one will feed the peoples's hunger for death and destruction.
Controller only
Left Joystick - Move
D-Pad - Move
Right Joystick - Aim
Left trigger - Shoot
Right trigger - Shoot
A - Shoot
X - Degumify
Hedda Marie Ragnøy Solstad
Iselin S. Skorpen
Sigrid Storesund
Daniel Clausen
Kyle-Grey Muren
Ivar Utnes
Vodovoz Music Productions