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Coin Collector

Version: 0.2.5over 5 years ago

Coin Collector is a game where you try to get all the coins in under a certain time.

TUTORIAL - Alright, so the current version doesn't have a tutorial so here's one. At the bottom right is text saying your time limit, at the top right is a timer if the timer passes the time limit you have to restart the level. At the top left is your score, you raise your score by picking up coins. Finally, at the bottom left is the level and a home icon that will bring you to the main menu. #arcade

Version Log -


Sorry everyone, I wasn't aware that you guys couldn't run the game. I added a working installer so you can finally play it. Sorry about that.

Just released the first early access version of Coin Collector. Working on more levels and looking into bugs, we'll be updating all of you guys in the devlog