Comments (8)
hi corthy how are u
more pls
yummy nikkies, , ,
dread fart
im madotsuki and i like this mod
Friday Night Funkin' - DREAMFUCK
Game Soundtrack

Thank you for the contribution, Mr. Funkscop!
Please play and support the original YUME NIKKI!

DREAMFUCK is a special fanproject made with the intention of providing a perfect blend of both FNF & Yume Nikki's elements in a compact yet enjoyable experience. I set up DREAMFUCK as a little fun side project to do in my spare time when not working on more ambitious projects - I hope you all enjoy playing the mod as much as I did making it!
A total of eight playable songs to jam out to. (Only one in the Window demo, though. Sorry.)
A simple story that's easy to follow.
Sprites accurate to Yume Nikki's original artstyle.
The ultimate Yume Nikki X FNF experience.
Q: How do I play this mod, again? I'm confused.
A: Shut up. We're not doing this again.
Q: Any plans for updates beyond what's already been released?
A: After the Window demo will most likely be the full release, and then I'll be done. This was meant to be a small project for me to have fun with & it will stay that way. Any updates after that will probably not be from me.
Q: The font in the main menu isn't accurate to the actual game!/[x other inaccuracy]

We're aware of that, you really don't need to tell us. We were kind of scrambling to get the Window demo on time and thus weren't able to make things as accurate as they could be - the full release should fix these issues.
Q: When I miss my opponent briefly stops singing!
A: Window has its opponent's vocals & the player's vocals within the same track, just like older versions of basegame. This will be fixed in a future update.
Q: Woah, this is cool! Are you guys looking for more team members?
A: Unless we say that we are, no. I decided to limit the amount of extra members on my team to 9, so unless one of them decides to resign from the mod I will not be looking for more people.
Owner/Director: @Corthon
Art/Animation: @Corthon , @SerifOS
, @Akhirio
, MethyThe2nd, @ultraweh
Music: @DuckyDuckly , @LenaZOMG
, @TitiOwO
, @ultraweh
Coding: @Ruby1511
Charting: @SerifOS , @LenaZOMG
.XML Construction: @SerifOS , @Pearly2020
Moral Support/Special Thanks: @Pearly2020 , Kylealta, Chilli944