
Comments (10)

What do you think?

I played the open beta at least a couple of times. I have to say, moving around is really smooth and feels lovely. I also like the great height you get from grappling, then jumping.

I did get stuck in walls now and then, though, even though I could jump and/or grapple out, most of the time. One time, I went right through a smaller building, and got stuck inside a larger one another time.

Also, maybe it's just that I'm using an XBox controller, but there might be a problem with the center of the analog stick. When I let go of the controls, the camera slowly drifts, and David walks slowly and/or walks in place. Does this happen to you?

I hope this doesn't discourage you. I love how this is turning out, and I've already seen you make great improvements since the pre-alpha. Thanks for the fun.

Can't wait! 3D platforming needs more saturation in the game world. Keep up the good work!

Beautiful! If you would give us even the most basic demo, I would play it, and comment justly.

Gostei Muito Do Seu Projeto.
Eu Achei Um Pouco Parecido Com Kingdom hearts e AMEI isso( Pois, kingdom hearts é meu jogo preferido asdjkkasd)!!
Ps: Tô Querendo Jogar já esse jogo <3

how do i play the beta release

A new indie 3D platformer! #adventure #action # #platformer #3Dplatformer

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Hi everyone! It's finally here! my OPEN BETA!! #Happy It's free, it's for mac, and windows, and it's full of love! Hope you guys will love it!
-- I don't know why I can't post it on Game Jolt :x-- But here it is! (in the description)


David Illustration to show a more defined view of him! Hope you like it!

So the beta release is for tomorow! I still have some ajustement to make, especially for the hidden quest! I hope it will be fun everyone!

Sorry for the ones that I forgot to send a link of the game! Really Sorry! I sent you a message now! For this year, I'll focus more on this website! I promise you guys

A bit more overview on what's going on!
