
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Super toll game. I enjoy very much. but where is Russian titels my friend???? cuuka

Best game I've ever played. 11 out of 10!



Version: 1.0.36about 6 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

This game is being developed by me, Justin Brückner and is only meant as a first project to properly learn how to make games.
That's why I'm happy for every feedback I get.


Update to Version 1.0.36
-added a second soundtrack and a soundtrack for the main menu (made by Laurenz Riedel)
-added options to change soundtracks and to change the volume
-added a slowdown feature to the singleplayer
-added new colors and skins

Update to Version 1.0.35
-added our first soundtrack and soundeffect (made by Arne Badstübner)
-added option to mute or change the volume of the music and soundeffects
-added powerups to the singleplayer
-added playercollison to the multiplayer

Update to Version 1.0.34
-added new color and texture options (even more in future updates)
-added gamepad controls
-main menu is now operable witch keyboard or gamepad

Update to Version 1.0.31
-added local multiplayer
-added "Help Button" to see the controls

Update to Version 1.0.30
-added option to change the player's color
-added ''Reset Button'' to clear all data
-improved graphics and usability