
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Good job with your game! I enjoyed playing what you have so far. I would recommend ramping up the difficulty a little bit slower to give new players a chance to understand the platforming physics before introducing hidden spikes and death lol. I also was not quite sure where to go right away at the segment where you have to jump at the floating doorway. The puzzles are okay, but there's a lack of reward when you finish one. Maybe adding some sort of flashy particle effects when you finish a section would give it a more rewarding feeling. Death is very frustrating in this game. After dying 6 or 7 times in the first room I had to quit playing and come back to it later. Adding a health variable would add a good amount of depth to the game play and take away from some of the frustration of dying. it feels worse to die in one hit from a monster than it does in 2 or 3. I did not finish the game so I'm not sure if you have anything in just yet or not but I feel like a weapon would add very much to the game. Adding some variation to the jumping sound would help a lot. hearing 3 different versions of one sound is much easier on the ears than the same sound over and over again. maybe take the same noise and change the pitch a few times. Keep up the good work and you could have something really enjoyable out of this!

This a great game, and I'm looking forward to more! Although, some enemy patterns are really hard to get past, I think this game has a lot of potential. A few more power ups and maybe a health system would be nice.

Sorry for my words, I try to not use a translator each time I want to write something in english... :)
Anyway, really good game! This is the first one I tried on this site, you hooked me with the retro pixel art, wich is really good in my opinion. It took me like 15/20min to finish the game and I liked it.
Some things I noticed : I had to press down ("s") and jump ("space") to fall through the plateforms, wich is not highly intuitive I think, maybe pressing down could be enough...
If you keep pressing the key "up" after climbing a ladder, the character trigger an animation loop of a short jump, I don't know if it is a choice you made..?
Finally, having the power-up in the last level was a bit frustrating, knowing that the ennemis were several in the previous levels.
I liked the difficulty, it seemed logical to me considering the graphics. But maybe too difficult for casuals gamers.
Keep the workflow man, that's a good one!

In the third level there's this weird glitch that sometimes stops your character from moving forward, i think it's the fault of the falling through block.

Can you make it through the dungeon?

If your struggling with the game, you can activate easy mode in the options screen.

A short game I made to play with Unity's tilemap system.
#platformer #retro


Project getting shelved for now.

0.2.1 Released.

0.2.0 Released.

0.1.4 Released.

0.1.3 Released.