Comments (33)
Wow, for a game about lemons, it was pretty sweet! Really had fun playing this, so much fun that I tried like 3 times to record it.
Really think this game could only get better if you were to decide to add more to it. Maybe an NPC that helps the player? Maybe a nice happy, little friendly lemon...a Lemon Aid.
Can you play with friends?
This is reeeallly close to a Ludum Dare game I've played before in both the mechanics and (of course) the name. Maybe you should clarify what happened there!
Here's the game: https://sebastianscaini.itch.io/when-life-gives-you-lemons
Not to be that guy but this looks an awful lot like my LD42 entry with the same name from August.
Had y'all played it?
There is a fatal error if you play with a controller plugged in. Please disconnect it.
Once the the game jam judging is complete we will publish a fix.
When Life Gives You Lemons Jam Build
When Life Gives You Lemons Post Jam

Hello! We are Tiny Dino Games and this is our submission for #dreamhackatlantajam
When Life Gives You Lemons (WLGYL for short) is about five people who all find themselves on a farm for work. Unbeknownst to them, a lunatic’s science experiment went wrong and animated all of the lemons! And if that wasn’t bad enough, a tornado is headed strait for you! With only enough space in the house for one of you to seek refuge, you must survive the impending battle royale and defeat all of the lemons to secure your spot!

WLGYL is a single player, overhead, twin-stick, battle royale (that’s a mouth full). The game is designed to be played on keyboard and mouse. Controls are as follows and can also be found in game:
Move: WASD
Pick up item: Space
Shoot: Left Click
Reload: R
Dodge Roll: Right Click / Shift
Change Weapons: Scroll
Pause: Esc
Mute: M
Fullscreen: N
Change Character: H

We hope you enjoy! This is a game jam game that was made over the course of ten days for #dreamhackatlantajam. We did our best to ensure it operates like you would expect from a fully fleshed out game. If you had fun please let us know! If there's enough interest we will consider further development of this game in the future.
Check us out on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinyDinoGames
Official Site: https://tinydinogames.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/gmZT3Jg